. A full stop shows the end of a sentence, and is also often used after initials and abbreviations: The Mini was designed by A.C. Issigonis. , A comma shows a short pause that separates parts of a sentence: • Only buses, taxis and bicycles can be used in this street. • The new road was supposed …
Daily Archive: 2013-03-09
Prepozíciós kifejezések/Prepositional expressions
AT at a party at church, at school, at home at university at work at first sight at first at random at (the same) time at a (high) speed at all costs at the age of at the end (of sg) live at a certain address BY by (any) chance by accident by means …
Jobs and related nouns, verbs and adjectives/Foglalkozások és a kapcsolódó főnevek, igék és melléknevek
Job/Person Noun Verb Adjective actor/actress act/action/activity act (in)active artist art – (in)artistic applicant application apply for – beggar begging beg – burglar burglary burgle – competitor competition compete competitive cook cooking cook – criminal crime commit a crime criminal critic criticism criticise critical economist economy economise economic economical employer/employee (un)employment …