Homophones are words that have exactly the same sound (pronunciation) but different meanings and (usually) spelling.
Common homophones list
The following list of 50 homophone pairs contains only the most common homophones, using relatively well-known words.
air | heir |
eye | I |
bare | bear |
be | bee |
brake | break |
buy | by |
cell | sell |
cent | scent |
cereal | serial |
dam | damn |
dear | deer |
die | dye |
fair | fare |
flour | flower |
for | four |
hair | hare |
heal | heel |
hear | here |
hole | whole |
hour | our |
in | inn |
knight | night |
knot | not |
know | no |
made | maid |
male | |
meat | meet |
morning | mourning |
none | nun |
oar | or |
one | won |
pair | pear |
peace | piece |
plain | plane |
poor | pour |
pray | prey |
principal | principle |
profit | prophet |
right | write |
root | route |
sail | sale |
sea | see |
sight | site |
sew | so |
sole | soul |
some | sum |
son | sun |
stair | stare |
steal | steel |
tail | tale |
their | there |
waist | waste |
wait | weight |
way | weigh |
weak | week |
wear | where |