



Homophones are words that have exactly the same sound (pronunciation) but different meanings and (usually) spelling.

Common homophones list

The following list of 50 homophone pairs contains only the most common homophones, using relatively well-known words.

air heir
eye I
bare bear
be bee
brake break
buy by
cell sell
cent scent
cereal serial
dam damn
dear deer
die dye
fair fare
flour flower
for four
hair hare
heal heel
hear here
hole whole
hour our
in inn
knight night
knot not
know no


made maid
mail male
meat meet
morning mourning
none nun
oar or
one won
pair pear
peace piece
plain plane
poor pour
pray prey
principal principle
profit prophet
right write
root route
sail sale
sea see
sight site
sew so
sole soul
some sum
son sun
stair stare
steal steel
tail tale
their there
waist waste
wait weight
way weigh
weak week
wear where

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