Festival vocabulary The festival world is so far from reality it even has its own lingo. Newcomers to the scene may find themselves confused during conversations, so here is a vocabulary lesson to keep updated. Heady: causing feelings of excitement or dizziness: having a powerful effect on your senses. Shakedown street: every festival has …
Kategóriák archívuma: Szókincs / Vocabulary
Adjectives to describe women/Melléknevek nők leírására
Bubbly: Energetic, chatty, and talks one’s ear off. Stereotype: Cher Horowitz from Clueless. Mousy: A plain-looking brunette who needs a haircut and a makeover. Stereotype: Rachael Leigh Cook from She’s All That. Perky: High-energy, often accompanied by delightfully bouncy breasts. Stereotype: Sally from When Harry Met Sally. Adorable: A way …
Natural disasters/ Természeti katasztrófák
Do the following tasks related to natural disasters. Task 1 Label the pictures with the words in the box. volcanic eruption avalanche flood forest fire earthquake drought hurricane …
The environment/ Környezetünk
Do the following tasks related to the environment. Task 1 Use a word from the box to make new words. waste rain fumes effect warming layer ozone ……………….. global ………………. greenhouse ………… nuclear ……………… exhaust ……………… acid ………………… Task 2 Match the words from task 1 with the definitions. the way in which the Earth’s climate …
Words that go together/ Szókapcsolatok
Task 1 Match the adjective or verb with an adverb. You can use an adverb more than once. boiling ill highly hurt gravely hot bitterly disappointed badly obvious glaringly unlikely drink sick fail miseably frozen heavily worried stiff sleep soundly bored Task 2 Which adjective? Choose an adjective to go with the noun in …
Spring related words/Tavasszal kapcsolatos szavak
Season: •spring months: March, April, and May • time exressions: early spring, late spring, lengthening days, midspring,spring evening, vernal equinox • feelings: spring melancholy, tranquility Weather conditions: • balmy breeze, bright, mist, melting snow, lingering snow, spring breeze, spring frost, spring rain, spring rainbow, spring sunbeam, slush, warm Landscape: • flooded river, muddy fields, muddy road, …
Prepozíciós kifejezések/Prepositional expressions
AT at a party at church, at school, at home at university at work at first sight at first at random at (the same) time at a (high) speed at all costs at the age of at the end (of sg) live at a certain address BY by (any) chance by accident by means …
Jobs and related nouns, verbs and adjectives/Foglalkozások és a kapcsolódó főnevek, igék és melléknevek
Job/Person Noun Verb Adjective actor/actress act/action/activity act (in)active artist art – (in)artistic applicant application apply for – beggar begging beg – burglar burglary burgle – competitor competition compete competitive cook cooking cook – criminal crime commit a crime criminal critic criticism criticise critical economist economy economise economic economical employer/employee (un)employment …
Idioms with parts of the body/Testrészekkel kapcsolatos idiómák
Choose the body part that fits in the sentence. back eye eyes nose head head mind heart arm feet heels chest 1. Doctor, there is something I need to get off my ……… . 2. I don’t know what’s wrong with my boss today. I only asked a question and she bit …