Party time
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3. A formal party early in the evening at which alcoholic drinks and small things to eat are served. 4. A formal meal prepared for a large number of people. 6. It takes place after another event, e.g.: a concert or a theatre performance. 8. It is a party that you give in a house you have just moved to. 10. A public celebration in which a large group of people move through an area. 11. A bachelor party. 12. A children's party at which all the guests stay for the night at one person's house.
1. A huge celebration with a lot of music. 2. A party intended to help people meet each other. 5. A party at which people dress as different characters. 7. A party at which people say good bye to somebody who is leaving the place. 9. A formal party in a large yard for a lot of people.