Daily Archive: 2012-11-04

Important phrases for writing letters/Fontos kifejezések levélíráshoz

These phrases can be found in formal or informal letters. Can you match the formal phrase with its informal equivalent?   1.      I would be grateful if you could… 2.      I look forward to hearing from you… 3.      I am writing to… 4.      I regret to inform you… 5.      You will be informed of… 6.      …

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Informal to formal English/Beszélt nyelvi és hivatalos kifejezések

This text includes informal words and expressions. Can you change the text from informal to formal English? There is a list of words below.   At the moment I am so 1. broke that I have had to move out of my flat. I am £ 4,500 2. in the red and I had to …

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