A hivatalos levélről általában:
A levél külalakja: Saját címünk a levél jobb felső sarkába kerül, de a nevünket soha ne írjuk oda. Ez alá írjuk a teljes dátumot (nap, hónap, év), a címzett nevét és beosztását a levél bal oldalára írjuk.
Használjuk a Sir és Madam szavakat, vagy a címzett titulusát (Mr, Ms, Miss, Mrs) plusz a vezetéknevét. Ne alkalmazzunk összevont alakokat, fogalmazzunk személytelen stílusban. Ha nem ismerjük a címzett nevét, az elköszönés: Yours faithfully, ha tudjuk a nevét, az elköszönés: Yours sincerely. Aláíráskor a teljes nevet kézzel írjuk alá, utána ezt ismételjük meg nyomtatott betűkkel.
Hivatalos levél 1./ Formal letter 1
Álláspályázati levél/ Letter of application
Mrs Jenny Hopkins 16 Porter Street
Human Resources Manager Birmingham
Birmingham City Library BG4 6XR
P.O. Box 112
12 March 2012
Application for the position of Librarian Assistant
Ref. No. HR/T- 12.01.
Dear Mrs Hopkins,
I have seen your advertisement in the February issue of Top Jobs magazine, and I would like to apply for the full-time position of Librarian Assistant.
I am 19 years old, and I completed my A-levels in English Literature and Grammar last year.
I hope to study British Literature at Oxford University from September, and I am currently looking for a job before my course starts. I would be able to start work from 25th of March and I will be available till the end of August.
I have gained experience of working with people in a library when I had a part-time job as a help desk assistant at the University Library in Bristol. I enjoyed working with people and dealing with readers. I also had the responsibility of checking the deadlines for the books borrowed. I have a good command of German and Spanish both in writing and speaking.
I am enclosing my CV with details of my previous education and job experience.
I believe I would be a useful member of your team in the City Library, and I hope you will consider my application for the position.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
(Julia Banks)
2012-12-26 , 09:43 (UTC 1)
This actually answered my downside, thanks!
Jade Louise
2013-05-07 , 11:13 (UTC 1)
Wonderful blog!